Prepare for Tax Season

Joe owns his own insurance brokerage. He knows nothing about accounting and does not want to have to learn or have his office staff learn about accounting or QuickBooks. He just wants to be able to operate throughout the year and not have to worry about tax preparation.

Joe kept a file for all of his receipts and sales. When tax season came around, he called Salt Lake City’s affordable tax preparation service, Foundation Bookkeeping, and brought his proverbial “shoe box” full of receipts over to be entered. It took a couple of days, but Joe did not have to worry at all about getting his books ready to send over to his tax accountant.

His tax return cost less also because the books were all prepared before sending them in.

Joe also knows how much money he made last year and is now working monthly with Foundation Bookkeeping so that he can find out how much money he makes each month.

Call Jeremy today to schedule your time to prepare for tax season!

…Your business THRIVES on a solid FOUNDATION!!!
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